A letter to me

Dear me,
I don't know how old you are and what you're doing but you're awesome.If you're ten, then relax. you're not fat; nowhere as fat as you will become. But it doesn't matter really. Once in a while it will hurt but ignore it, it will pass. And the summer of 2011 will hopefully change that *fingers crossed*.
If you're twelve and trying to deal with the presence of Anurag in your life; don't. He's not worth it. He is not a best friend because like all the other defense kids, he leaves and doesn't keep in touch.
This letter wasn't to depress you. Sorry.
2002 me; thanks for starting writing. That Russian mafia story is still good. Maybe I should start work on it again.
You have two very amazing best friends who love you more than anything and will do anything for you; as you will for them. You're doing English Literature and you love it. You write and are actually appreciated.
You are a person, people turn to for help and advice and you will always help. You should be proud of it.
You're just like your mum. Don't try to fight it and change. It's not a bad thing at all.
You love your dad the most; but he doesn't understand you sometimes. Don't lose it. Explain it to him. Patiently. He will see your view point.
You have a hard time with your sister now. It gets better, I promise. She softens and you develop a spine. You still might fight but it's okay. She loves you and needs you. and she keeps you sane when your family goes psycho. Always do the same for her.
Learn to not care so much. It will help. But always be the same old happy person you are. and don't wear those ugly jeans in 2007. They look really bad on you. Believe me; photographic proof.


  1. Dear 2011 you,
    You are the awesomest writer I have ever seen and tell that 2003 you that she was smart to start. Again, from my side. The boys around are more than just douchebags so it's good that you don't have a boyfriend yet. But then you have me so that's okay ;)

  2. Haha @Iffat. Yes, I do have you. <3 But my lesbian life needs to die right now. Can't go around scaring more aunts by pseudo-coming-out-of-the-closet :P

  3. ROFLMAO. It's okay love, look at it this way... you will only get your MAN sooner this way. Your parents will try to get you married sooner! :P:P:P

  4. I just re-read this :/
    I'd much rather have you right now. :/


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