
yes. i'm a little lazy. no. make that very. my poor blog suffers as i'm rarely here choosing to instead spend my time on fb and now that my obsession with tweetdeck is back, i wonder what will i do? i have learnt the hard way that my laziness affects my writing. well. it's obvious isn't it? if you don't write, you're going to forget that awesome thought you had, or the brilliant story idea that could have been magic had you written it. the number of times, i look back and say- "oh yeah, i was going to write something like that but i don't remember now" - sigh. it's uncountable. but the plus point about writing is that for every lost idea, you gain two more. writing is imagination and experience and those are two things you can never ever run out of. that's what cheers me today. i'm writing this blog post because i haven't written one in very very long. just my thoughts, all the blah-ness i feel. and today i did. so that's a good thing.
ta for now. hope i'm back soon. :)


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